It can make or break you,

It can lead to depression or blessing,

It can leave you in poverty or inspire you to succeed,

It can discourage or encourage you to persevere,

It plays a role for those that don’t succeed and a guarantee for those that do,

It can awaken the greatness within or suppress it,

It can defeat you or strengthen you,

It can make you question your own intelligence or reinforce it,

It can present great misfortune or great opportunity,

It can keep you immature or make you mature,

It can help you learn and grow or stay stagnant,

It can get to your heart if you let it and dry out your bones if you allow it,

It can make you weaker or stronger,

It can make you a quitter or a fighter,

It can make you a loser or a winner,

Either way you look at it, it’s inevitable,

Whether it makes you or breaks you, it’s up to you!

“Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of it.”

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