This thing called … Race – (ism)

Where did it even come from?

Why was it even invented?

To whose benefit was it thought of and implemented?

Black, White, Brown or Yellow these are paint colours not colours for people,

It has caused and is still causing division,

It can bring with it a sense of perceived (real or not) superiority or inferiority,

It has been used as a tool to dehumanise people,

It is deeply netted within the our systems from education to healthcare to justice,

It can work for you or against you,

Many great people have fought against it and many are still fighting because of it,

Many innocent lives have been sacrificed at its alter,

This thing called race (ism) why can’t it ever seem to go away?

We might have social, economical and cultural differences but as a species we are all the same in functionality.

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