It can paralyze you if you let it

The more you feed it the stronger it grows

On the other side of it is the life you dream of living

It can be difficult to overcome but so liberating when you do

It’s the giant you don’t want to face

The mountain you don’t want to climb

The sea you don’t want to cross

The storm you don’t want to brave

It kills more dreams than failure ever will

It’ll fight to keep its position but you can conquer it

by viewing it for what it truly is false evidence appearing real

It can be eliminated by taking action rendering it obsolete

It can become your limit if you allow it

But if you face it, it’ll have no power over you

This thing called fear it can be a powerful beast but it can be tamed

Forget everything and run or face everything and rise.

It’s up to you!

“Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart and mountains will move out of your way”

Kate Seredy

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