Three Reasons Why Forgiveness Is Like Medicine To Your Body

What does it mean to forgive? It means you agree to give undeserved mercy to another or sometimes even to yourself.

I’m not saying that forgiveness is always an easy task, in some circumstances, it can prove difficult to bestow. I say this as someone who has struggled with forgiveness in the past and still finds it difficult sometimes.

So, writing these three reasons also serve as a self-reminder of why it can be beneficial to embrace forgiveness.

The Benefits of Forgiving

1. It brings ease and not dis-ease

Forgiveness is the medicine for resentment. Unforgiveness on the other hand can sometimes cause illness in the body that conventional medicine cannot cure because it doesn’t get to the root of the problem. Some of us carry unresolved anger or bitterness for a long time, manifesting in other forms and sometimes in the body as disease.

If you allow yourself to go through the healing process by reflecting on the unresolved problem, no matter how painful it is, and finally forgive, not only will your soul be at ease, but your body will also benefit, making it easier for it to overcome illness.

2. It brings peace and not chaos

Forgiveness isn’t justifying bad behaviour, but understanding that it benefits you more than the other person. Unresolved anger, as mentioned earlier, is energy, and that energy must flow somewhere. If left unchecked, it can wreak havoc in your life not only in your health but also in other areas such as relationships.

For some, it can even lead to a dark and dangerous cycle of revenge in which there are no winners. Choosing to forgive can put an end to the chaos that can follow an unfortunate event and bring peace that allows you to move on and move up.

3. It brings reconciliation and not retribution

Forgiveness doesn’t destroy, it restores. It can restore broken relationships, whether they’re family members, friends, or romantic partners. As human beings, we’re all capable of hurting each other, intentionally or unintentionally, and therefore we also have the capacity to forgive each other.

Why? Because we recognize that we all make mistakes and sometimes wish for a second chance. Otherwise, there would be a lot of broken people and relationships. Forgiveness makes reconciliation with others possible and retaliation impossible. This reduces the likelihood of further negative consequences.

To Sum It Up

In summary, forgiveness isn’t only beneficial for you as a person, but also in your relations with others.

Believe it or not, your forgiveness can bring healing to those who have hurt you also. Therefore, can be one of the reasons it’s withheld to prevent this from happening.

However, as Marianne Williamson says, “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” As mentioned earlier, this may be due to unresolved negative energy building up in your body and slowly killing you.

A Little Encouragement

Having said all that, as mentioned at the start it’s not lost on me that it’s not easy to forgive, especially when someone has intentionally hurt you. It can be hard to imagine how forgiveness is possible in such cases.

But if you allow yourself to feel and go through the rollercoaster of emotions throughout the healing process and, if possible, gain closure, you’re already on the path to forgiveness and peace.

Remember your soul deserves peace so don’t allow someone to steal it from you due to their lack of it.

And with that, I’d like to leave you with this:

Forgiveness is one of the highest forms of self-love. So, love yourself enough to let go of all the negative energy put on you by others.

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