Three Things You Can Experience When Your Heart Is Broken

Heartbreak is inevitable because as human beings most of our lives are interdependent on our relationships with others. I cannot compare heartbreaks because they all hurt, no matter the circumstances. Whether it’s between friends, family members, or partners.
I’m sure we all have a story or two to tell about heartbreak, especially between partners, so here is my little 2 pence on the subject.

Story Time

My first relationship as a teenager wasn’t the best so it was short-lived. After I ended it, I wanted to focus on other things like my studies while relationships took a back seat. But life doesn’t always go the way you want it to, and I ended up meeting someone unintentionally.

There I was chilling on my then balcony minding my own business (sipping tea as some would say) and he was chilling by the shop below my balcony. I don’t even remember why I went outside, but probably to get some fresh air after studying so much indoors.

Thinking no one was around, I started singing (something I wouldn’t do if I thought someone was around), but luckily, I’ve got a good voice and that’s probably what caught his attention, and we got talking. One thing led to another, and we ended up together for a little over a year.

When It All Fell Apart

The end of that relationship really broke my heart because of the traumatic circumstances that preceded the breakup. I describe it in detail in my blog post here, so check it out.

To cut a long story short him and his boys burgled my house while I was at home. A group of 6-7 masked boys came into my house and took my belongings at knifepoint. That for me was the end of that relationship. But this breakup had a big impact on me, and I want to tell you three things I felt during my heartbreak that some of you may be able to relate to.

A Broken Heart Can Bring About…

1. Confusion – My mind was thrown into a state of confusion, I couldn’t figure out what had happened and why. It felt like a fog, like a really bad dream. I couldn’t even find words to describe how I felt and how much I was suffering.

2. Anger – A natural reaction to a perceived injustice. As you can imagine, I was angry at everyone involved but especially my ex because it was a very immature and hurtful way to end things. The shock and confusion of it all made me implode instead of exploding.

In other words, I kept my anger inside and didn’t allow it to show externally.  I tried to hold myself together while everyone waited for my reaction. I didn’t react, but I did respond, and it was anger that drove my response which was to gracefully walk away.

3. Physical Pain – Who knew that when your heart is broken, you feel pain throughout your entire body and not just in your chest? Well, up until that point I had no idea.

It was like the pain was moving from my chest to my stomach and making me physically sick. I can’t tell you how many times I felt like I was going to throw up. The pain is inexplicable and is best described as like pinpricks. It’s a sharp pain in the chest that runs through the whole body.

A Little Encouragement

I’m sure you can list more symptoms, but whatever the cause of your heartbreak, we can all agree it’s not the best experience. I certainly wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

For all of you going through this right now, you aren’t alone. Sadly, it’s part of the human experience, but healing is possible with time and effort. Check out my post on Forgiveness for more information. Three Reasons Why Forgiveness Is Like Medicine To Your Body – The Pick Me Up (

And with that, I’ll leave you with this:

A broken heart is the worst. It’s like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it but the pain is unbearable every time you breath.

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